- A clinical 0.2 T system for imaging large animals (dogs and minipigs) and rodents with dedicated coils.
- A 3 T system with a horizontal magnet (31 cm bore) equipped with two gradient bores (Φ>21cm,> 11cm); strength >200 mT/m and > 400 mT/m at 200A, two transmitter and receiver channels for 1H, 13C, and 18F imaging, two transmit and surface coils for brain and cardiac imaging of small and large animals.
- A 7T MR system with one gradient bore (Φ >15); strength 300 mT/m , RF coils mice and rats whole body, cardiac and respiratory gating.
- MRI contrast agents both already used in clinical setting and experimental for preclinical imaging are available.
The activities include the set up of the service/instrumentation/animal models for MRI.
- Activities on 0.2, 3 and 7 Tesla equipments allowing from anatomical to functional imaging experiments in mice, rats and rabbits and in animal models of human disease.
- Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI for perfusion/blood flow/permeability studies.
- Diffusion Weighted MRI (DWI) for cell membrane integrity/changes in cellularity.
- Structural and functional MRI for morphology/blood flow and volume/vessel characterization .
- Development of imaging post-processing tools and software.
The availability, in this platform, of three state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imagers allows to perform different kinds of experiments:
- Oncology -> Imaging on Transgenic and Xenografts models (tumor growth, apoptosis, angiogenesis, drug efficacy evaluation)
- Cardiovascular pathology -> Imaging on Transgenic and induced pathological models (plaque imaging , angiography, perfusion )
- Cerebral pathology -> Imaging on induced pathological models (stroke, glioma , angiography, perfusion, EAE )
- Inflammation -> Imaging on induced pathological models (arthritis, macrophage detection)